Main activity
Project management in mechanical engineering
Project planning and project organization
Risk management and risk identification
Management of large-scale production
Risk management technical point of view
Project engineering activities in mechanical engineering
Technical support for managers
Project studies and project processing
Solutions for specific development tasks
Coordination of developers, designers and draftsmen
Application and verification of solution results
Modification and optimization of existing devices
Identification of problems and implementation of corrective measures
Procurement support
Professional supervision of implementation (supervision)
Production process control
Verification of documentation
Supervision of technical equipment during production
nspection of manufactured technical equipment
Expert consultations in mechanical engineering
Advice and consultations
Setting up material flows of large-scale production
Engineering activities in mechanical engineering
Development of conventional constructions (using 3D Software)
Strength and deformation analyses
Finite element method (FEM)
Frame structures analysis
Static, kinematic and dynamic analyses
Flow analysis
Reverse engineering
Optimization of the production process
Technical support of production
Hydraulic and pneumatic mechanisms
Staff training
Development in mechanical engineering
Creation of 3D models
Creation of technical documentation - feasibility study, technological procedure, technical risk analysis, guide manuals for installation/operation/maintenance instructions
Creation of drawing documentation – conceptual design, diagrams, implementation documentation, production documentation, changes/red-pen in documentation, as-built drawings
Manufacturing of equipment
Manufacturing of prototypes
Small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production
Manufacturing of spare parts
Manufacturing of technological devices structures
Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of water treatment equipment